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Exercise to Prevent Lower Back Pain

Prevent Back Pain
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Exercise to Prevent Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can occur for a wide range of reasons, and reportedly affects as many as 80 percent of adults at one point during their lifetime. And that's because we're talking about a significantly large area of the body, one that can be prone to inflammation, strains, sprains and even arthritis.
As we age, our bodies naturally become more susceptible to wear and tear. Aging is a common risk factor for lower back pain for a variety of reasons that are simply beyond our control.

During middle age, most people will begin to show signs of bone loss, or osteoporosis. Most commonly, bone fractures increase as bone density decreases.
At the same time, aging contributes to a loss of collagen and elastic tissues. Weaker bones and decreased flexibility ultimately are a perfect recipe for common lower back injuries, and this combined with an upward trend in sedentary lifestyles has made back pain more common than ever.

But just because it's not possible to reverse the hands of time, doesn’t mean you’re entirely at the mercy of the Natural Law. While aging is inevitable, getting old early doesn't have to be.

One of the most effective ways to thwart the effects that time has on your body is exercise. If you aren't already exercising daily, it's time to start. Keeping your back and abdominal muscles in check so they can properly support your spine and prevent muscle or bone injuries is one of the quickest, easiest and most affordable ways to mitigate injuries now and in the future.
Don’t worry, you don't need to be a candidate for the annual Universe Championships to reap the benefits of exercise; simple stretches and movements for just for 20-30 minutes every day will help you to become stronger to protect your back from a range of potential injuries.

Whether you're at your desk all day in a collapsed position, or you’ve overdone it at the gym, stretching your back can help you to stay healthy and limber.
1. With feet shoulder-width apart, slowly bend your upper body backward while breathing deeply. Engage your muscles, including your buttocks and thighs, but don’t lock out your knees.
2. With hands and knees on the floor, slowly round your shoulders and begin to lower your hips toward your heels. Tighten your abs, hold and repeat.
3. Laying on your back, slowly bring your knees to your chest while engaging your abdominal muscles. Wrap your arms around your legs, either under or over the knees; hold this position before repeating.

Build Muscle!
Strong muscles, particularly in the back and abdominal region, will keep your spine better supported, and help to prevent a range of health issues down the line. When you have proper musculature to support your body's movements, you're placing less strain on single joints because you're able to distribute pressure from jumping, running and even just walking more evenly. Proper muscle tone will also support your long-term quest for a healthy weight, which is essential to staying young and free of unnecessary aches and pains.
Strength training doesn't have to be difficult or time consuming. A set of resistance bands and just 30 minutes three times per week can help you to build up the muscles you'll need to become stronger, more flexible and more resistant to injuries.
Learn more about the benefits of TheraBand Resistance Bands here.

A daily exercise routine comes with a wide range of benefits, including stable body weight. Why is weight just as important as strength and flexibility? Being a healthy weight reduces your risks of developing acute and chronic injuries because it eliminates excess pressure that's put on your joints when you're above your ideal weight. While a few additional pounds are usually hardly noticeable to friends and family, your joints agree that even a little bit can make a big difference; for every pound you lose, you'll also take four pounds of pressure off your spine!
And it's not just your back that'll thank you, your knees greatly benefit from you being as close as possible to your ideal BMI as well. So whether you enjoy walking, biking, swimming or salsa dancing, make daily movement a part of your routine today.


Recent studies suggest that turmeric could also help in the reduction of back pain. Curcumin the active ingredient in turmeric, has the potenital to reduce inflammation  and discomfort associated with sciatic nerve pain, and muscular back pain. Turmeric combined with exercise is a natural alternative that could help to relieve back pain.  

Exercise has never-ending benefits that range from mental health to joint support. Remember to underpin your exercise routine with other daily habits that are proven to contribute to a long and healthy life.
If you suspect you have an injury, speak with your doctor promptly to see what steps you can take to help heal faster. We offer a range of back braces designed to aid in prevention and recovery by providing proper support and/or partial immobilisation.
Looking for additional weight loss tips? Check out these easy-to-digest diet resources to learn how you can manage your weight by changing your habits today.